For those not in the know, ADZPCTKO happens every year at the end of April when thru-hikers are generally leaving the southern terminus of the trail for their hike. ADZPCTKO stands for Annual Day Zero Pacific Crest Trail Kick Off. The Pacific Crest Trail Association and former hikers put on the event at Lake Morena, 20 miles from the southern terminus. There are speakers, workshops, movies, beer, and tons of free food for hikers. I think I ate 6 burritos, 2 hot dogs, and 4 burgers while I was there (this does not include breakfasts, which were also large and delicious).

The highlight of Kick Off for me, however, was meeting "Dr. Sole." He is a trail angel who attends to hiker feet. Mine were in particular need of some love. I was under the impression that just about everyone gets gnarly blisters during Section A. Apparently not. I had 15 blisters on my feet in varying sizes and locations. Upon looking at the hamburger meat that was my right foot, he said "Oh my God! Is the other foot as bad?!" When I assured him that it had one less blister, but was in fact more painful, he said "Oh boy! Your feet have broken the record [of 11 blisters], you have the worst feet here!" I wasn't sure whether I should have been proud or intensely embarrassed. He patched me up this morning, and for the first time in over a week, I can make full strides with almost no pain (and no pain killers!!). Dr. Sole is a miracle worker and I can't wait to get out on the trail...just waiting for it to cool off a little before I venture outside.

PS: Bill is the most wonderful housemate/friend/second biggest fan out there!!
4/29/2013 07:50:11 am

I'm dr. Sole! Good to read your journal !!! Thanks for the nice words!!

5/1/2013 04:46:20 am

I love the internet! Seeing the comment from the Dr. Sole was excellent, take care of those tootsies of yours Carrie!


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