Carrie arrived at Vermillion Valley Ranch on Sunday, June 17. She didn't have cell phone or internet service so asked me to update her blog. She may regret that request!!   

Who am I?  Mom.  Resupply box mailer.  Praying fanatic.  Scared and worried mama.  Excited and proud mother.  Cheerleader.  Hourly blog checker.  Health food, dense calorie, additional calorie, can't be losing weight this early in the hike shopper. My thoughts are consumed with Carrie - her happiness, health, safety and warmth.   My pride is tempered with worry. My excitement calmed by waiting for the next call.  While I know she has researched and prepared for this trip for 3 years, I still wait and worry.  But I am SO excited for her!

Carrie is a happy camper!! She is in the mountains and she is fishing!!  During this last leg of the hike, she caught 15 brook trout in 30 minutes at Rae Lakes. She received more tackle from her Aunt Lynn in her re-supply box at Vermillion Valley Ranch.  (To Lynn and Carrie, fishing gear is like candy!!)  Plus now being in the mountains, she is hiking slower and taking in all the amazing scenery. This latest resupply point required a ferry ride across a lake.  She has so many stories to tell!

Carrie sends her thanks for the extra letters and gifts. They mean a lot to her. She knows that people are thinking about her!  

I better sign out or Carrie will not let me do this again! Thanks for not shutting your computer off before reading MY blog post!!

6/19/2013 05:01:10 am

Hi Carrie's Mom! Hope you're not worrying too much, although I know you can't just turn it off. When I saw Carrie coming off Kearsarge pass (I'm Bluesky Susan), she seemed strong, and happy, and confident, and most of all, competent. She was so organized, thinking so far ahead so carefully! She was even wearing plenty of sunscreen. ;-)

Even if she does run into any little hitch or issue, she'll get herself out of it like a pro. She's got this nailed! (And she didn't look like she was getting too thin to me; she looked fine. Only the guys seem to be getting that really lean look.)

Wish I could be out there having fun with them!

Carrie's Mom - Karen
6/19/2013 07:17:35 am

Wow!! Bluesky, thank you so much for the post!! That means a lot to me!! Carrie talked about you and how you were "angeling" for the day when they were headed into resupply! She was so thankful for the food, drinks and ride - and I thank you too!

I take it you have seen many a hiker in your day since you are a trail angel. So when you say she is doing well, I believe you and I worry less! Thank you! She's never given us any reason to think she's not fully prepared, it's just the unforeseens and the things she can't control that worry us. She is a very competent young lady - we are very proud.

Thanks again!!
Karen - Carrie's mom

6/19/2013 06:58:15 am

That was a lovely post! I'm so happy to hear Carrie is doing well, I've been so excited for her to be making this incredible journey. Thank you for supporting her and writing such a great mom post!


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