Photos from the first 780 miles are up at enjoy!!!
Breanne Leslie
6/12/2013 07:57:17 am

Love the pictures, Carrie! I've been keeping up on your blog so it was nice to see pictures to illustrate all the natural beauty you've been describing. Sounds like you're doing well! Cannot wait to catch up with you when you get back!

Jared Schwarze
6/13/2013 12:24:34 pm

That giant waspy thing eating the tarantula is called a Tarantula Hawk! I randomly just heard about these things...weird haha.

Carrie! I feel like a bit of a creep, but I've been following your blog in utter jealousy and amazement. I hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself out there. Good luck with the rest of the hike!!
- Jared Schwarze

Carrie Eidnsness
7/13/2013 12:02:58 pm

Hey Jared! Don't feel creepy! That's what the blog is for :) thanks for the support! Happy summer


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