Yesterday I got all (err almost all) my food into boxes and into the freezer. What a relief to get that over with! I won't lie, I loved making lists of food, groceries, calorie counts etc, but the actual dehydrating and packing process was a bit much!

With that out of the way, I am free to fly to Connecticut, stress-free. Did I mention that I was crossing the country coast to coast before doing the border to border trek? I was told 23 was your Adventure year, and it sure is shaping up that way! 

Hopefully they will let me on the plane with my trekking pole (we will be car camping our way across the country this time) and my slightly-larger-than-carry-on sized bag.

I've been told that TSA has changed the rules and now ski poles, whiffle ball bats, and small knives are now allowed in carry on baggage. Ski poles and trekking poles are essentially the same thing right?

See you in ten days rainy Seattle!

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